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Annual Website Checklist Review
At this time of year we often take a moment to review the past year, set goals & put strategies in place for the year ahead. It’s a great time to do the same for your website. Here is a checklist of items to help you get started. Be sure to set specific goals and devise a realistic plan on how to achieve them to garner the best results. If possible make it a team effort.
Try to review your website objectively. It can help to ask your staff for their opinions or bring in others who do not have any connection to your company or organization to give you honest feedback.
- Is the branding current & consistent with other marketing materials?
- Does the design communicate the character of the organization along with what it provides?
- Are there elements (background, buttons etc.) that could be changed to update the look?
- Are "Call to Action" buttons clear and concise?
- Does the copyright date on footer reflect the current year?
- Do you captivate the visitor?
- Is the site content current? Is new content being generated often enough for repeat visitors?
- Is the content easy to scan? Are there large blocks of text or are bulleted lists, headings etc. used to break up the text making it easier to read?
- Is unique, original content being created?
Website Statistics Review
- What percentage of visitors coming to the site are using a mobile device?
- What are the statistics compared to previous years?
- Are conversion goals set up? (it does not need to be an e-commerce site to utilize goal conversions).
- What strategies could be put into place to increase conversions?
- What content is most popular?
- What keywords are being used to find the site? What keywords would one expect to see that are not utilized?
- What pages are visitors exiting or bouncing from? How can visitor engagement be increased?
- Is the website ready for the changes in technology?
- View the website on various devices.
- Does the site cater to the increase in visitors using mobile devices?
- Are other forms of technology such as QR codes being utilized to integrate your print and online strategies?
- Is the site using a content management system to update the website? Is it working well? Is it easy & efficient to make changes? Would additional functionality be beneficial?
Online Marketing
- Is your website integrated with other online marketing platforms?
- Is branding consistent between these platforms?
- What are your goals for each platform and how do they integrate with the website. Push, pull or standing alone?

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