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Social Media Series: Facebook Tips
Here are a few ideas to get you started posting on Facebook:
- Daily or weekly features (for ex. a restaurant could post their soup of the day).
- Let others know about events you will be attending and if the event is open provide details for others to go.
- Post interesting items you are working on / recent projects (include pictures and visual aids where possible).
- Include information on interesting, current topics related to your industry. Ask opinion questions and receive feedback from those that ‘like’ your page (previously called fans). Add in the new “Like” button to your website to increase interaction between your site and Facebook. Users who “Like” your site will have your site show up in their activity stream.
- If you would like more information or a "How To" guide for setting up a Facebook page email us at
*Update:The "Like" button has run into issues with "clickjacking". To find out more about this visit Mashable's (The Social Media Guide) Article before making a decision to be aware of the related issues.

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