Portfolio of Work
Web Design & Development
- Resource & Information Hub: Provide a hub for foster parents in the Interior of BC where they can find resources and support.
- Region Specific Information: Allow news & events specific to the 4 regions ICS' Support To Family Care Network works within to be easily accessed and viewed.
- Inclusive: Design the website to reflect the diverse communities and demographics ICS' Support To Family Care Network serves.
- Small Footprint: Ensure the site is quick to load and optimized in consideration of potential limited internet access / slower network speeds in certain regions.
- Allow for Changing Content: Ensure the site is easy to update and manage including updating the regional calendars, news items and resources.

it's in the details
- Online Training Portal: Provide an online training portal where foster parents can complete the mandatory training including online quizzes.
- News & Calendars: A main news and calendar is provided along with regional specific calendars and news listings for the four Interior regions.
- Resources: Resources organized into helpful categories sorted by topic, STFC Newsletters and Important Documents & Resources to assist users in efficiently finding the information they are seeking.
- E-Newsletter Sign-Up Tab: An e-newsletter sign-up tab along the side slides out on click to enable people to sign-up for the e-newsletter. This button allows the option to be visible to the user without being overly intrusive.

Latest News & Articles

Portfolio of Work